AMG公司 是一家專業的改裝廠商。由當時的 Daimler-Benz 的員工 Hans-Werner Aufrecht 和 Erhard Melcher 於 1967 年在德國所創立。後來公司的賽車研發部遷往 Affalterbach 。Mercedez-Benz在1999年收購了AMG公司,使其成為賓士車的改裝車分部。AMG同時提供引擎給Pagani Zonda超級跑車,這引擎是來自於M120 7,291cc V12 汽缸(最早使用於SL73 AMG)。這款M120自然進氣的引擎現在專屬於Pagani使用。現在AMG則是Mercedes-Benz御用改裝廠。
SLK55指搭載5.4L V8動力單元"M113"(24V SOHC)的AMG改裝成車系列產品。自然進氣版本馬力約為342匹-367匹(如C55 AMG、 SLK55 AMG、CLK55 AMG、ML55 AMG)。強制進氣的機械增壓版本馬力為476匹-517匹(如E55 AMG、S55 AMG、CLS55 AMG、CL55 AMG、SL55 AMG、G55 AMG)。引擎本體皆無不同,只是行車電腦(ECU)的設定不同而已 。SLK55 AMG的零到96km/h加速,比SL500快了一秒半,亦比SL55車款慢0.2秒而已。SLK55 AMG輪胎尺碼為前225/40ZR18、後245/35ZR18車重為1,540kg,0~100km/h加速4.9秒,極速為250 km/h(電子限制)。相較於SLK350的DOHC V6動力單元,重量足足多了約150磅,這具由AMG打造的V8引擎除了額外的32﹪馬力表現,還有暴增的46﹪扭力,讓原本輕快的小車身變得更西利。另外,SLK55 AMG的排氣聲浪也重新加工過,就算是外行者聽到AMG版本的聲音,也知道這輛車身價不同。變速系統設定,AMG選用附加方向盤換檔鍵的7G-Tronic自排變速箱,雖沒有手排版本,但仰仗著渾厚的動力優勢,加速是輕鬆寫意,退檔補油似乎都顯得有些多餘。
車尾的設計看起來是超帥的 四管排氣管排氣聲又雄偉且熱血沸騰,賓士SLK55 AMG難怪有這麼多朋友喜歡,但是喜歡這款車要怎麼擁有這台車呢?考慮自辦從美國進口吧?因為台灣總代理價格太貴了。
18吋五幅鋁圈,不只是引擎室內,輪框上也打上AMG!煞車系統也是AMG的。如何從美國買車運回台灣呢?價格要如何計算?如果自己在美國的賓士SLK55 AMG可以運車回台灣嗎?關稅要繳交多少錢?驗車費用要多少錢?留學生條款驗車可以節省一些費用嗎?
The SLK is a compact roadster manufactured by Mercedes-Benz in two generations, R170 and R171, since 1997.
As one of the first modern retractable hardtop convertibles, the SLK followed the 1995 Mitsubishi 3000GT Spyder and preceded other retractable hardtops such as the Peugeot 206cc, Lexus SC, Mercedes-Benz SL-Class and the Chrysler Sebring.
The designation SLK derives from the company's design mission to create a roadster that was at once sporty, light and short — in German: Sportlich, Leicht und Kurz.
The term SLK-Class is a Mercedes marketing term referring to the vehicle in all its engine configurations across both design generations.
For 2005 the new R171-platform SLK was named one of Car and Driver's Car and Driver Ten Best and won the Canadian Car of the Year's Best New Convertible award. The current SLK's are built in Bremen, Germany and Mexico city, Mexico. (Assembly at Mexico City plant is disputed, only final prep is done there for cars delivering to that area).
Models of the new SLK include:
- SLK 200 Kompressor - 1.8 L 120 kW (163 hp DIN) I4 supercharged engine, 0-100 km/h (62 mph) 7.9 seconds, top speed of 143 mph. (not available in Canada and the United States)
- SLK 280 - 3.0 L (2996 cc) 170 kW (231 hp DIN) double overhead cam V6 engine, 0-100 km/h (62 mph) 6.3 seconds, top speed 155 mph. (starting in 2006 model year)
- SLK 350 - new 3.5 L (3498 cc) 200 kW (272 hp DIN) double overhead cam V6 engine, 0-100 km/h (62 mph) 5.4 seconds, top speed 155 mph (electronically limited).
- SLK 55 AMG - 5.4 L (5439 cc) 265 kW (360 hp DIN) V8 engine, 0-100 km/h (62 mph) 4.9 seconds (Official figure, actual time is 4.3 seconds), top speed 155 mph (electronically limited, some models come unlimited). A tuned version of this was used as the Formula One safety car, replaced by CLK 63 AMG at the beginning of 2006 Season.
下圖是2006 SLK55 AMG 車測中心測試報告,從美國買車運回台灣價格除了關稅之外,進口車驗車費用也是一筆開銷,Car2TW專業代辦進口車可以協助大家節省關稅及驗車費用,最近幾年越來越多留學生將自用車運回台灣,留學生條款也讓自用車回台節省關稅及驗車費用,有關美國留學生運車回台灣關稅及費用估算說明細節請參閱這篇文章。
有關美國留學生運車回台灣關稅及費用估算說明細節請參閱這篇文章" border="0" src="" title="留學生條款運車回台灣有哪些規定?如何符合留學生條款個人運車規定?留學生運車回台灣關稅要多少錢?美國留學生跟加拿大留學生個人帶車回台灣流程有沒有差別?詳細說明解釋都在這篇運車回台文章裡面">有關美國留學生運車回台灣關稅及費用估算說明細節請參閱這篇文章" />